More ideas for jigs

Hello everybody I just need more ideas to create a jig can you guys give some ideas to create one
Thank you appreciate it
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That’s an interesting question. :thinking:
When we build a Jig at Jigspace we usually start off by asking a question that interests us.
How do Ears hear sound? or How do Grasshoppers chirp?

If you’re looking for new ideas for a Jig you could try to using the models in the model library to guide you, as there are some detailed ones that are fun to pull apart and explore.

Good luck with the Jig building!
I hope this helps :smiley:

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I got an Idea, make a space shuttle jig, or a book, or a crane. Something.

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A jig for electrical wires and circuits would be cool to look over.

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Ok thank you very much