Looking for terrain (mountain and ridge) model

Hi all

I am building a Glider jig to show how it works. Here is a link

But I don’t have terrain models. I need a mountain and a ridge. Something like that will be awesome:


I am not planning to use my jig for commercial purpose.
Maybe, someone can share models with me?


Hey @Andrew_B, welcome to the forums :smile:

I’m sure someone in the community here can help with a model, otherwise you can look on TurboSquid or a similar service for a free mountain object. The pics you posted have very cool textures - you’ve probably noticed you can’t currently apply images/textures to models in Jig Workshop. Don’t worry, we’ll be adding this feature in a future update!

Excited to see what Jigs you create :slight_smile:

Hi Andrew
I jumped on turbo squid just to have a look and I found a free volcano model which might be useful.

Let me know if the size is ok?
Sometimes these land models can be huge :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you @greenlig.
No texture,it is fine for me. I just want to show silhouettes and not attract to much attention to this objects.
Anyway, good luck with Jig Workshop developing. I love your app.

oh, Thanks you @Nicola_Holt.
I will try it out.