Keyboard Shortcuts

Hi guys,
I have been using the app for the last couple of months and I really love it. I use it to create assembly procedures for different tools showing the assembly process step by step.
The number of steps for each procedure is quite big 60-80+ and I want to improve my workflow and ease the process. I checked the available shortcuts list: Creating and Editing and tried them out but unfortunately the one that I’m keen to use the most (Space - new step) doesn’t work on my app. Maybe it’s just my computer but it’s not working. Has there been an rearrangement of the hot keys or am I missing something else?

As an addition to my question above I’d suggest adding few other shortcuts in the upcoming versions that I think will be helpful to other users as well:
Go to the first step
Go to the last step
zoom to fit all parts on screen
Show all hidden (fully transparent) parts

Thank you in advance.

PS I’m running v3.5.0(21) on a PC with Win10

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Hi Plamen

Using the space bar to create a new step isn’t a current feature in the Desktop App.
We’ve had a look at our documentation and we’ll quickly clean that up to prevent any more confusion.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

This does sounds like a feature you would get a lot of use out of though, as well as the shortcuts you’ve recommended. Receiving direct feedback like this is very useful to us as we build on and improve our tools and I’m going to add them to our feature request list.
Thank you for reaching out and please let us know if you think of any other changes or features you think would improve your experience.

Best Regards,
Laura and the JigSpace team.

Hi Laura,
Thank you for your reply. I’m happy to hear that you will be taking into consideration my suggestions.

If I could add just one more - the slider that navigates through the steps in editing mode (please see the screenshot below) is quite thin and sometimes it’s hard to click on it. I think making it thicker would avoid that issue.

Once again thank you and I’m looking forward to the implementation of these changes.


Hi Plamen.
Sorry for the late reply, I’ve also added this to your feature request.
Thanks again for your feedback, the picture was a nice touch for helping us pin point the issue.
If you think of anything else please let us know.

Best Regards,

Hi Laura,
I was wondering if there is any progress with the features we’ve discussed above. We’re expanding the Jigspace users in our company and I’ll be helping them catching up with the app and my current workflow. If these features are available I think they speed the process of creating jigs significantly.


Hi Plamen

My co-worker Maddie has reached out to you via email.
I believe that some of these features are in our road map for this year.
Hopefully we’ll be able to release them for you soon.

Best Regards,