How do I share my jigs?

When you make a jig how do you publicly share it?

Hi minecraftemery9, welcome to the platform.
When you save and exit the Jig you’ve worked on or if your just in the main menu you can tap on the Jig you want and in the top right corner there should be an arrow button for sharing - this will give you a shareable link.
If your still editing your Jig in the workshop you can tap on the slider icon in the top left corner and there should be an option to share there. This will also give you a shareable link :smiley:

I’ve added some images here, I hope this helps :slight_smile:


Sorry to be rude but I already knew this I was talking about sharing it on the JigSpace app how would you do that?

Hi minecraftemery9, thanks for your patience! There is limited sharing features currently, can you let us know:

  1. Do you want to share with one other user or with the public so anyone can see it? Presently, you can share a link with anyone, but we haven’t published Jigs in the public Viewer app made by our users. If you are interested in this we would love to see what you have made and chat about this!
  2. Do you want to share the Jig with other user(s) to edit as well? Today this feature is not available, but team features are being built currently that will allow this in the near future.
    We’re here to help, hopefully we can clarify this for you today!

Thank you so much this helps if you want to know it was number one that I was talking about if you wanna see it, click this link:

Great Jig!
I’m glad we could help and we’ll definitely update you when we’re able to start show casing Jigs. If there is anything else we can help or any other features you would like with let us know. :smiley:

Will you help me share a jig I am new and made a jig like but can’t figure out how to share it.:smiley::face_with_monocle::dna:

Sure! Go to the jig editor on the jig you want to share, click the button with two sliders and click the share button. It should show some things to share it with like, email, notes, airdrop, etc. if you are talking about sharing it on the jigspace app sadly, that’s not a feature yet :cry:. Hope I helped! :smile_cat::smile::blush::hugs::monkey_face::dog::cat::panda_face::bear::frog::tiger: